The next installment
In the olden days - you know, back when people read newspapers, serialized versions of stories were a common feature.
Last week, I hope, I ran the first couple of chapters of a politcal thriller I began on a trip to Italy in 2003. While I shelved it for other things, I'm interested in people's thoughts on the story so far.
In this week's installment I'm going to jump from Chapter 3, in which we meet one of the books' heroes, to Chapter 7, 'cuz in Chapter 7, bad shit starts to happen and if you're only seeing a little bit of the book, you may as well cut to the good stuff!
Of course, in an ideal world I could just have posted the Word document that you could have popped open but this site doesn't support that kind of document sharing. Updating my site to a new platfrom is still on the to-do list for when I get back.
Enjoy and please share your comments.
From the boat they all had begun to look the same, though he was only five feet from 'shore.' Five days each week Aaron saw from his canal vantage point the summertime tourists - masses of them - that descended on his town.
Okay, it wasn't his town. He really was not at all possessive of it or even particularly attached to it. Except that once he had arrived he had never left. Ever. Not even for visits to other sites and cities. Something about the close confines of this bustling little hub of commercial activity just fit the life Aaron was looking for. Four years later and Aaron wasn't sure he would know what to do or where to go 'on the outside.' But even he had to admit that occasionally the tourists - after this long he no longer considered himself one - could be a pain in the ass. On the other hand, they pretty much paid the bills that kept the ancient city afloat.
A dart of green and a splash to the right - the boat was not large enough to refer to its right side as 'starboard' - caught Aaron's peripheral vision and he quickly pushed the tiller hard to the right, sending the bow of the little craft in his command diving sharply to the left. Water splashed across the bow and into the half sleeping lap of his co-worker, who jolted himself upright and was yelling before fully gaining his balance. ["Fucking lunatic!"] Tourists on the blistering hot walkways stopped to watch the spectacle of two locals clashing. The object of his wrath, a teenaged boy in a sixteen-foot aluminum with an outboard engine much too powerful for the boat or the waterway who had popped unexpectedly out of small side channel, was already beneath the next bridge, flipping Aaron and his lone crewmate the bird as he rounded the bend out of sight. Aaron only shook his head slowly, a patronizing smile crossing his face. Teenaged boys and their vehicles. At home it was cars; here it was boats.
"[Boys will be boys]" Aaron said, trying to soothe his youthful partner.
"He should be a drowning boy!" his partner Lorenzo replied in English. If Italian men appeared to some to be hot headed, Lorenzo's fiery passions lived up to the image. The subject matter was largely irrelevant: from soccer to corrupt politicians (they were all corrupt, according to Lorenzo), to housing prices and gelati flavors, getting an argument from Lorenzo was about as difficult as getting smelly feet from worn sandals. "Look at what he did!" Lorenzo continued. Aaron looked at the floor of their little boat. One of the kegs of beer he and Lorenzo daily delivered to three local bars had fallen over, in the process popping its seal cap and spilling the fermented contents.
"At least it was only one," Aaron replied with a shrug. Looking at the rest of his cargo, including flats and bottles of soda pop and the product that sold even more than beer here - bottled water - he could see that while disarrayed it remained intact. Lorenzo turned forward, cursing in Italian to no one in particular about bad piloting skills, workmates who seemed never to get angry and something abut missing out on his aunt's cannelloni, a discussion into which Aaron had no desire to enter. Instead he steered their cargo vessel to the tiny pier that served as their first landing spot for ship-to-shore deliveries. Even the heat failed to upset Aaron anymore, and summertime in Venice could be incredibly hot. He had even taken to wearing long-sleeved work-shirts, a custom he had thought unbearable when he had first arrived in San Marco square, the pulsing tourist destination at the heart of the floating city. He still wore shorts though: long pants in the hot sun would take a few more years of acclimatization yet. For now they were reserved for indoor pursuits like dining out, which was rare, to his second job, which would occur later that evening.
The rest of the day passed without incident; by the end of the shift even Lorenzo's mood seemed to have buoyed by the fact that it was Friday. It was comparatively rare for Venetians in the delivery business to have two full days off each week. But Aaron and Lorenzo worked hard, harder than most, often squeezing in an extra run or two to San Lucia* each day, largely eliminating the need for weekend work. Still, when called upon, they would deliver on weekends. This was one of those Fridays that did not have continued work ahead, at least for Lorenzo. "Hey Old Man," Lorenzo called to his crewmate as he tied off his end of their skiff for the final time that day. "[You gonna come for a couple of beers?]" Aaron glanced at his watch. Today's extra run had gone slowly with the terminal filled with arriving weekend Venetians. He'd also worked up an extra heavy sweat. Italy was suffering an extraordinarily intense heat wave. Normally this time of year your spilled gelati would melt within a minute of hitting the burning hot ground; this year it melted before it got there.
"No time, Sailor," he replied. "I want to get home in time to shower before work tonight. I worked up a real lather today."
"When are you gonna give up that second job of yours? You work too hard."
"Have you seen what I pay in rent?"
"Maybe you need a smaller place," Lorenzo lectured him. "What do you need two bedrooms for?"
"I might have guests."
"You have any yet?"
"Good point," Aaron tried not to wince. In the entire time since leaving home Aaron had had no company dropping by - expected or otherwise.
"Maybe you stopped working every Friday and Saturday night you could start finding the kind of guests who don't need a second bedroom!" Lorenzo laughed his enormous laugh as he slapped Aaron on the back.
"Ciao," Aaron told him to end the conversation.
"Ciao, Old Man," Lorenzo said, still laughing at his own clever observations as he walked away. Aaron wasted no more time at the dockside. Heading quickly for one of the ATV ferry pick-ups he calculated the amount of time needed for the trip across the harbour to his dusty apartment on the island of Murano - most Venetian service workers could scarcely afford the cost of actually living in Venice proper - showering, having some dinner and getting to his weekend second job. Things were looking good; if the ferries were on time he could probably squeeze in a sixty to ninety minute nap in preparation for the night ahead. It was unlikely he would actually sleep; he seemed to require less and less of that as his years advanced. My God, in two years he would be fifty. Still, the down time for an hour or so almost always put him in a better frame of mind.
Cleaner, fed and ready to go, Aaron stepped off the ferry back at San Zaccaria after chatting amiably with the driver Aaron had gotten to know during his many thirty-minute crossings to and from work. Like himself, Mario was a man alone, his wife having left him several years ago, taking both his sons with him, during the worst excesses of drinking he could ever have imagined. Now he sailed the small waterways of Venice day in and out. Chatting together, for both the middle-aged men, was a highlight of the day. That thought made both men a little sad.
Since meeting the owner of a small but fashionable hotel more than a year earlier, Aaron had spent his Friday and Saturday nights from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am manning the front desk - counter really - of the Orion Hotel. Located a couple of blocks off bustling San Marco Square - about five hundred feet really since 'blocks' in a land without cars are considerably shorter - the hotel was almost always busy owing to its central location, pleasant if small rooms, and not completely exorbitant prices. The owner liked having Aaron as an employee since it gave him weekend nights off and Aaron spoke both English and French fluently and his Italian had grown to more than passable. For his part, Aaron enjoyed the second job because it occupied two otherwise unoccupied nights and the job gave him a fair amount of money for not too much work. It was a perfect match.
Being a Friday evening, check-ins were brisk. People still came to Venice just for the weekend, at least local Italian people. But often times they were the best spenders in the upscale shops, one more rivet holding the surprisingly fragile Venetian economy together. God knows the locals had few bucks to part with; paying their rent and the ghastly upkeep on their residences ate much of everyone's take-home pay. By 1:00 am, the hotel's complement was nearly full, leaving the rest of the night for the minor bookkeeping that came with the job. That and escorting the occasional inebriated tourist up the steep stairs to their rooms. Like nearly all Venetian buildings, the Orion was not equipped with an elevator, quaint, but a bummer if you're a drunk staying on the sixth floor. It was also time to place an important call. "Buono Sera," he said to the voice on the other end of what Aaron viewed as an impossibly long line.
"Buon girono, for you," came the same reply he received each week. "How's my favourite Dad?" Aaron smiled at the second part - his favourite part - of the weekly greeting.
"I am, according to my shipmate, working too hard."
"Hmm, where have I heard that refrain before?" Aaron's eldest daughter Victoria was wise beyond her nineteen years, at least so Aaron believed. She had fairly quickly forgiven him his four-year absence, quickly falling into if not an understanding of the dissolution of their turbulent family, at least an acceptance of it. It was much tougher with her younger sister Annie. Just eleven years old when Aaron left home and country, Annie's long distance relationship with her father had been much slower to develop and even now was not what either would characterize as warm. Still, his daughters remained the largest of the not too many things he missed about home. "I got the picture you sent," Victoria continued. "It came yesterday."
"And?" Aaron asked her.
"And?" she replied.
"And what did you think of it?" There was a pause at the end of his question long enough for him to momentarily think their intercontinental connection had been broken. Finally she replied.
"I thought you were gonna lose that big long ponytail."
"I think it's pretty hip."
"In the sixties, maybe. Seventies, tops. And it's gray."
"Some might say that makes me look distinguished."
"Are the senoritas flocking to you?"
"Not yet."
"Until you get to the barber, don't hold your breath." Of course he should be insulted but he knew Victoria's teasing was in jest. He wouldn't have cared if it wasn't, as long as he could hear her voice. "I have a surprise for you."
"And I have one for you."
"You first," she told him. "I want to keep you in suspense."
"Okay. I finally got email. Last Saturday night. Here at work. I got a 'Hotmail' account. It took me over an hour to set it up."
"Dad, it takes less than five minutes to set up a Hotmail account."
"It took me over an hour."
"That's great," she said laughing. "Now we can scan photos and send them to each other over the net. Did you get MSN?"
"What's that?"
"Instant messaging. So you can type over the computer in real time."
"It took me over and hour to set up email. Don't tell me technology has already advanced beyond that. Am I obsolete already?'
"No," she told him patiently, as she did whenever she talked with him about computers. "It's just...never mind. One step at a time."
"What's yours?"
"My what?"
"You said you had a surprise for me. What is it?"
"Are you sitting down?" she coyly asked her distant father.
"Honey, it's all I have room for here." It was true. The area behind the counter was directly under the stairs leading to the hotel's rooms. Aaron could not stand upright without banging his head, which he did at least three times each weekend.
"Okay," she said, pausing to heighten the drama. "We're coming to see you!" Aaron was stunned enough by her pronouncement he felt the air rush out of him, rendering him if not speechless in content, at least momentarily without the capacity to carry it out. "Dad?"
Finally he recovered. "You're coming? Here?" The thought of seeing his daughter was completely overwhelming. It was an event for which he longed more than anything yet had nearly resigned himself to it never happening. "Who's we?"
"Both of us," she said matter of factly. "Me and Annie."
"Annie's coming too?" Aaron could scarcely hide his surprise that his youngest - with whom he'd had such limited contact over the past four years - was willing to venture halfway around the world to see her dad. For the next several minutes Victoria prattled on excitedly while Aaron said little. "There's more." She finally paused.
"What's that?" he asked.
"Well, Annie can only stay ten days because of school. But I'm gonna stick around."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm taking a semester off Dad. I want to stay with you awhile. A few weeks. A few months. Who knows? Is that okay with you Dad?"
"Of course it's okay." It was a better reunion than he could possibly have hoped for. He didn't even care she would delay her second year of university - not if it was because she was with him. He could get parental on her later. "It's fantastic, Tory." He waited a moment before continuing. "You guys are sure you're ready for this?"
"We'll be ready. It's still a month away."
Aaron was as pleased as he had been in he could not remember how long. He wanted to stay on the phone all night making plans and probably would have had he not heard the hotel's front door opening, ringing the little bell that hung in the doorway. He glanced down at his key rack: guests were all accounted for. This would have to be his one remaining reservation turning up. This late Aaron had already figured him for a no-show. "Honey, I gotta go," he told his daughter. "We'll talk more in a couple of days when you've got more details." They clicked off just as the lone customer reached the counter, loaded down with two large suitcases. "Ciao," Aaron greeted him. The man only smiled shyly in response. Aaron spoke the name left on his reservations and again the man only nodded slightly in affirmation. "Passporto, per favore?" The guest handed over his passport to Aaron to complete the hotel registration as is required by Italian law. He was surprised to see the passport bore the identical coat of arms on its cover as his own. "Oh. You're Canadian! I guess I won't bother with Italian. It's just as well - I'm told my language skills are still in early development stage." He chuckled at his small talk and glanced up at the customer who wore a confused look on his face. Looking down at the home address printed in the passport, Aaron noted Montreal in the 'City' field. He smiled. "Je m'excuse, Monsieur. [I had thought you were English-Canadian. Force of habit.]" Again the young man looked at Aaron with a decided lack of comprehension.
"[Completo?]" he asked in unaccented Italian.
"Si," Aaron told him. '[Can I help you with the bags?]" he asked, returning to his own less-than-perfect use of Italian.
"Non. Non. Grazzias. [I will carry them myself. Arrivaderci.] "
"Ciao," Aaron responded. He watched the man begin the steep climb towards his room on the third floor. Odd, he thought, as he sat down at the little table desk behind the counter. He opened the computer's Internet connection and went to Hotmail's login page. He was ready to send his daughter his first ever email.
The unbroken weather pattern continued. There had been virtually no measurable precipitation in the region for several weeks, and even the springtime had been drier than normal. Combined with a lower than average snow pack during the winter months, the water reservoir was much lower than it should have been at this time of year. The beautiful weather also had the downside of making the threat of catastrophic forest fire that much greater. But it sure brought out the tourists.
This was Sean's third summer working in the state park at Mount Shasta. It was ideal really. His junior year at the University of Oregon, just a few hours away, was over and he wasn't really looking forward to his senior year. But working here had alleviated two summertime problems at the same time: making some money for school next year and avoiding going home to stay with his parents for the summer in St. Paul's. He knew that many students his age were thankful for having rent-free parents with whom to stay during the summer months. It also afforded one the opportunity to go back to the old neighborhood and play the big successful college student in front of all of the old high school friends who hadn't made it or hadn't bothered to attempt going to university. For many of his friends, working at the mill was just fine. Sean had always felt uncomfortable by his scholarship that had permitted his continuing education. Besides, staying with the parents felt like such a step backward. He'd lasted two weeks in his first summer of college before this job with California State Parks had come up. He must have done something right: he had been promoted from assistant park ranger to dam security.
Sean had committed to memory most of the pertinent information about the monster of the dam that occupied the horizon ahead of his floating security post: second largest dam of its kind in America, enough downstream power generation to supply electricity to thousands of Northern Californian homes, with kilowatts to spare for transmission to the power sucking south. Not that any of that was important anymore: from his floating security hut his only contact with the public came from the odd boat that strayed too close to the dam's edge, usually after too much alcohol had been consumed on the bridge. It was a little ridiculous really. The likelihood that someone would capsize right before the spillway intake seemed remote, though the current was unbelievably powerful when the gates were actually open. Unless the water skiers ventured too near. A loan swimmer in the water could easily find himself overpowered by the pull towards the behemoth. Sean smiled. He knew the grate at the intake was narrow enough that a body would just be pinned against it until the gates closed. Then it would pop back up and it would be Sean's job to launch his little state-supplied boat and scoop up the body. For fifteen bucks an hour that might not be worth it. On the other hand, it would give him something to talk about during the first week back at school. It was still only mid-morning and early in the week so the lake was quiet. Water skiers would hit the lake in droves sometime around 11:00. Until then, Sean could count on catching some early morning rays. Tan lines were another fringe benefit of the job.
Just to give himself something to do - and in case one of his supervisors was doing some employee binocular checking up - Sean walked the little patio perimeter of his floating security shack, scanning the horizon away from the dam, the shorelines on either side and back towards the dam itself, where he knew he would find no watercraft since the only boat launch was further up the lake, making it necessary for anything on the water to get past him first. The lake just wasn't that wide at this point; there was no way he could miss someone getting too close to either the main spillways or closer to the farther shore, the intake area for the massive penstock pipes halfway down the dam's superstructure. But something did catch his attention on the dam.
Sean raised the standard park-issue binoculars to his eyes and looked toward the center of the dam, directly above the spillway gates. A truck had stopped on the middle of the roadway that spanned the top of the dam. Tourists walked across the dam since stopping was prohibited and pictures taken from a moving vehicle usually turned out like shit, even with high-speed film. Through his binoculars Sean could not see the truck's occupants - damned state parks were too cheap to provide the temps with decent equipment - but neither could he see anyone walking outside the truck. That seemed odd. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper he had stuck there when he had arrived for his shift at 7:00. On it was a list of scheduled maintenance, repairs or electric company activity that security should expect to see over the course of the week. There was nothing listed for today.
Sean couldn't decide if he was paranoid or just really bored but he thought he had better at least call in to ensure his supervisor knew he was awake at his post on the lake. At the end of the day briefing he would catch shit if he hadn't noticed dam activity from his post. He lifted his radio from its holster on the shack's small table and called in to the main security building on the west side of the dam where any vehicle would have had to stop before proceeding onto the dam's roadway. "Seven to base." Sean waited a few seconds for a response before trying again. "Seven to base." No answer came to his second request. That was weird. The radio operator in the security center never left her post, even for coffee, without taking her radio with her. He tried two more times before deciding the radio system at the security center must have fried. "Seven to four?" Sean tried, hoping to reach his friend at one of the two security posts hundreds of feet below him on the other side of the dam. He wasn't too surprised when he was unable to reach them. Their proximity to the base of the dam often made their radios good for communication with each other, not with floating Base Seven on the lakeside of their watch. Sean put down his radio, made note of the time and settled down in the uncomfortable chair. He would try again in a few minutes. At least if his supervisor tried to give him shit for not calling in he could make note of his attempts. He raised the binoculars to his eyes one more time to check on the truck that had caught his attention. He barely had time to focus before his double viewfinder was filled with a yellowish-orange flash.
From his post in the security hut below the dam, Wes felt more than heard the sound at first. The little shack wasn't big by any means, but being made of brick it was unusual to feel that kind of vibration. Wes' brain told him that a delivery truck of some kind had backed into his guard shack, though he hadn't heard anything approaching and wasn't expecting any kind of delivery. Wes had only a split second to reach that false conclusion before the sound followed the vibration. It was enormously loud and it rumbled down the valley that formed the pathway of the Shasta River below the power grid. He leaped up from behind his desk and managed to get outside, though he was sure the ground was still shaking. An earthquake, maybe, he thought to himself. But the moment he turned to look up at the mighty object he was supposed to be guarding, he knew he was wrong. And it was much worse.
Atop the dam Wes could see the plume of smoke rising into the air, though he could not see what was making it happen. Before he could even reach for the radio pinned to his shoulder Wes felt another set of vibrations, this one from behind. Whipping around quickly Wes nearly jumped to the ground as the nose of the helicopter rounded the bend in the canyon and came to a hovering stop not a hundred feet from the dam's face. The rumbling from above continued and Wes could feel the gigantic downdraft from the helicopters spinning rotors. Though he had never served, Wes had watched enough episodes of JAG on television to recognize that the helicopter was military. The helicopter was low enough that he could make out four missiles, he couldn't tell what kind, attached to the underside of the dark black machine, two on each landing skid. Wes could not believe the military would be doing maneuvers this close to the dam but there was no mistaking the fact that the helicopter was heavily armed. Who else could it be?
Even that thought had little time to process before Wes felt himself pushed back towards the doorway of the security hut as the helicopter lowered itself towards the river. To Wes the helicopter looked to be a living entity of its own, as though not controlled by any pilot inside. As it came to within about fifty feet of the river's surface, the helicopter tilted its nose slightly upward, as though asking a question of the barricade blocking its progress. In the seconds that followed Wes caught sight of the flame blasting from the tail of one of the missiles as it left its perch beneath the helicopter and screamed in horror as the missile screeched straight into the wall of the dam itself, sending a shower of concrete fragments cascading down towards the spillway below. Before he could even begin to question in his own mind what was happening, another missile tore away from the helicopter, connecting with the dam some hundred feet or so to the right of where the first explosive had detonated. As Wes stared upwards in disbelief, he could see fragments of concrete, railings and debris showering from the very top of the structure where he had seen the first flash.
The helicopter paused after unleashing its first two missiles, as though determining where next to target. Wes finally managed to reach for his shoulder and screamed into the microphone of his radio. "Mayday! Mayday! This is Mount Shasta Park security four! We are under attack. Repeat. We are under attack!" The cacophony from the helicopters buzzing blades, the debris falling from the dam and the ever increasing rumbling from all around him made it difficult for Wes to hear himself as he called for help. Before he could repeat his call for help, the helicopter's third missile tore away from the right hand side of the bird, slamming mere seconds later into almost the exact same spot the first missile had found. "Christ!" Wes yelled, feeling helpless as he watched the havoc before him. In desperation, Wes remembered his service sidearm, unholstered the weapon and raised it towards the helicopter. He had never had reason to draw his gun before and had only ever fired it on the test range. He waited only a second longer before unloading the weapon's entire nine rounds in the general vicinity of the helicopter. He couldn't tell if he had even gotten near to his target and before he could complete reloading his spare clip into the standard issue nine millimeter weapon, the fourth and final missile was unleashed from the helicopter, finding its purchase again where the first and third had gone in.
Wes unloaded a second clip at the helicopter and was certain that despite the growing din around him he heard at least one of his shots strike metal. As if in response, the helicopter backed away from the dam, turned towards Wes and descended so close to Wes he was certain it would land on top of him. Wes's hand was raised in front of his head and he knew that whomever was at the controls planned now to kill Wes before he could reload his gun and possibly do damage. He stood for what seemed a long time as the copter's blades spewed dirt, gravel and debris at him, stinging and ripping at his bare arms and cutting into his face and head. When a moment passed, Wes slowly lowered his arm to stare into the nose of the hovering aircraft. It was so close, so menacing yet Wes could not look away. Tilting his head slightly to the side, Wes could actually made out the face of the pilot, who was staring back at Wes from behind the controls. It was ridiculous to believe but Wes saw that the pilot was actually smiling and mouthed something to Wes. The rumbling from the ground and the increasing debris falling from the dam made it impossible for him to make out what was being said. He could not even read the lips of the pilot. Before he could worry any more about what was being said, the helicopter turned away from Wes and headed back towards the bend in the canyon from whence it had come.
His relief lasted only a few seconds as the helicopter turned around at the bend and began a path directly towards the two now large holes in the structure where three of the four missiles had made their target. The helicopter roared up the canyon way so fast Wes barely had team to scream "No!" before the helicopter slammed headlong into the crater left by its weapons, exploding in a ball of flame so intense it sent Wes hurtling backwards onto the ground.
Without the roaring of the helicopter, the surrounding din seemed greatly reduced, despite the continuous rumbling and splashing of water at the dam's base. He slowly raised himself to his feet and his eyes grew wide in horror as he stared at the gaping, cavernous hole into which the helicopter had disappeared. It was a nightmare vision he never, ever believed he would see.
The flash inside his binoculars momentarily stunned him, causing him to drop the field glasses to the floor of the floating security hut. It was brighter than anything he had ever seen. The rumble from the explosion seemed to reverberate throughout the valley and it took Sean nearly a minute to understand what was happening. "Jesus!" he proclaimed to no one in particular. He stared in disbelief at the place where the truck had been only seconds earlier. There was no sign of life or of the truck. More disturbingly, the explosion had ripped a sizable chunk on the top of his side of the dam. It looked to be about fifteen feet wide and ten feet deep, so deep that already Sean could see waves brushing up and onto the dam's deck. The waves increased in intensity as the lowest parts of the damaged top section continued to crumble under the pressure from the water. Looking down Sean could see that a current had quickly formed, in the same way he had seen it dozens of times when a major gate opening occurred. But as the seconds ticked by and more and more water flowed over the top of the dam, there was no denying the increasing volume of water pulling towards the opening. It was as though the entire lake was taking flight at its newfound freedom.
Sean searched the skies as he thought for certain he heard a helicopter nearby, which seemed impossible given how quickly it had arrived. Who could have gotten word to rescue personnel so quickly that they were already here just seconds after the top of the dam was breached? Though Sean had no particular training in the operation of the dam itself, he knew the only hope would be to get the main floodgates opened full bore, immediately draining the reservoir below the level of the breach created by the truck. Whoever they were, Sean thought to himself, at least they had attacked the dam at the top. Sean reached again for his radio, hoping to summon someone at the communications center who could get a mayday message to the dam's operators. Before he could even raise the radio to his mouth he heard another explosion, this time coming from below the dam, followed almost immediately by a third loud crash. Though his post was floating on water not land, Sean was sure he could feel the very earth moving. It was as though he were viewing the world through a shaking camera lens. He reached for his radio once more and heard a scratchy voice already on the air sending out a distress call. It could only be the security bases below the dam and with shocking clarity Sean realized what was happening.
A third explosion confirmed for Sean that indeed they were under attack. Glancing at the increasing speed of the water streaming past his hut, Sean decided just as the fourth explosion sounded he needed to abandon his post and move to higher ground. He almost couldn't bear to tear himself away from the sight of the water now freely flowing over the top of the super structure, the sight was in itself so ominous it captivated him. "Fuck!" he yelled to shake himself loose from the paralyzing fear that had started to grip him. Sean jumped down into the small, aluminum craft, unfastening the rope that held it in place and immediately regretting that decision as the tiny craft began pulling away from the dock. Scrambling to the stern of the craft, Sean pulled hard on the little outboard's ripcord, taking three tries before the little engine sputtered to life. Sean could still feel the backwards pull of the water but the engine slowed it. Gunning the low horse-powered motor to its full throttle, Sean could finally feel himself moving forward, just as yet another explosion echoed up from the valley below.
The little boat had made it almost all the way back to the guard shack from which he'd launched when Sean detected an increase in the water's movement. Again his security shack began to move away from him as a growing rumble edged up the valley from behind. Turning in a panic Sean could see the entire left hand side of the dam was caving forwards, with water now blasting over the top and a clear view to the other side of the valley was opening up in front of him. He increased speed, racing headlong towards the ever-increasing gap where the top of the dam had stood so proudly for so many years. Sean reefed on the throttle of the pathetic little outboard, cursing his employers for the underpowered watercraft that had been part of his working life for the past three summers.
Sean suddenly knew how pointless his efforts were though he could not bring himself to release his grip on the engine's throttle control. The boat spun out of his control, facing him first towards the dam, then away, then towards it again. In those last agonizing seconds, Sean realized with certainty his life was over. He had barely time to form the image of his parents, his old friends stuck in that nowhere town he longed desperately to be in. Sean was only briefly aware of seeing people in the parking lot of the dam's Visitor's center, running towards their vehicles. He could not even think of a prayer to say as the little craft sailed outward and was briefly airborne. As Sean noticed smoke and debris below him and just before he fell to his death, he hoped his workmates in the security huts below had had the chance to get away.
Posted by davidrussellbc
at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 16 July 2013 4:31 PM PDT